Jan 112017

Does one need to keep to his commitment of what he will grow in the field he is cultivating?  Does it depend on what the change is (from which item to another – if it is better for the field in the long term or worse?)  A number of random halachot or advice are brought regarding trees near the border between 2 neighbors, is it best to have a field close to the city, what diseases are considered the worst, what one can do to avoid certain diseases, how important breakfast is and what one should eat for breakfast.  In the context of these, the idea of the evil eye is brought up and how destructive it can be, which in other words could be a way of talking about the dangers of jealousy/envy.  The last issue discussed has to do with measuring and making sure to leave 4 cubits of space bare in certain areas to allow access to people and in some cases other measurements, depending on what space is being discussed.

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