Jan 092017

Rava raises issues regarding a heiter iska that allows one to invest money for someone else in a way that they can share the profits.  Based on the way it is set up, that a loss will be split 50/50 but gains 2/3 to the borrower (the one investing the money) and 1/3 to the investor, if one takes an investment and splits it into 2 documents, there can be a loss for the investor if one yields profit sand the other a loss.  And if 2 deals are put into one document, it can cause a loss for the borrower.  Various other investment issues are discussed.  If a sharecropper who pays a fixed amount to the owner decides not to weed the field, this is not allowed for various reasons cited in the mishna and gemara.  If one sharecrops for percentages and there is very little yield, he is not responsible.  The mishna and gemara discuss what the amount is.  From here the gemara digresses to various halachot regarding measurements in other areas of halacha including ritual impurity.

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