May 152016

Study Guide Kiddushin 65

A man who says he betroths his older daughter – if he has two sets of wives and daughters from both wives, there is a debate whether or not all of them except the youngest are considered betrothed out of doubt or only the oldest of the older group of sisters.  Abaye clarifies that the debate would not apply in a case of 3 daughters all from the same mother – in that case it would be clear that the middle daughter would not be betrothed.  His opinion is questioned but the questions are resolved.  The mishna brings a case where either the man or the woman admits to being betrothed but the other does not.  The gemara then brings an opinion that if there is only one witness to a betrothal even if both the man and woman admit to the betrothal, they are not considered betrothed.  This opinion is questioned by our mishna and by other tannaitic sources but all difficulties are are resolved.

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