Dec 242017

Rav holds that one who swears about someone else having done something in the past would be a valid oath as it can be formulated in the negative (and disagrees with Shmuel who holds that it can’t since it can’t be formulated in the future tense). Abaye points out that if it were someone saying he/she knows testimony and doesn’t, since it the negative it would be an “oath of testimony” and not an “oath of expression,” one would not be obligated. This leads to a whole discussion regarding why the Torah specified an “oath of testimony” if  it could have been included in an “oath of expression.” Rabbi Yishmael and Rabbi Akiva debate their opinions (which cases are included in an oath of expression for which one needs to bring a sliding scale sin offering) based on how each one extrapolates the verses using different exegetical principles. An oath of expression is only brought if the person is “shogeg” – accidental but not if they did it on purpose or if it was totally beyond one’s control. The gemara tries to find a case where it could be accidental relating to a past event that wouldn’t be considered totally beyond one’s control. An oath of expression is only brought by one who “forgot” the oath but not the object. What is the case?

Dec 222017

The mishna has an inner contradiction about whether or not a general oath would include eating not kosher foods. Two different resolutions are brought. What are the reasons why one would say that an issur kollel would apply or not? Rava says that applies even in a case of one who swears. The gemara brings a mishna in kreitut which would seem to contradict Rava and 6 different explanations are brought as to why there is no contradiction.

Dec 212017

How do we know that the word “food”includes drinking?  Does our mishna support that understanding?  Why in the cases in the mishna where one detailed a number of things that are forbidden, do we assume that one meant to create a separate oath for each one and not that the person meant to exclude other things from the oath?  How does an expressive oath differ from an oath denying that one has an item of another in one’s possession?  The debate regarding an oath that combines forbidden and permitted items discussed previously in now discussed more in depth.

Dec 202017

The debate between Rabbi Akiva and the rabbis in the mishna – regarding whether or not an oath prohibiting eating would obligate one who ate even less than a minimum amount or not – is analyzed in detail.  Are oaths different than vows in this issue?

Dec 192017

Study Guide Shevuot 21

What is the type of oath that is including in the negative commandment – do not swear falsely in my (God’s) name?  There is a debate regarding Rabbi Yochanan’s opinion on this matter.  When Rabbi Akiva in the mishna says that one is obligated even for eating a miniscule amount – does he hold this across the board or only when it comes to an oath?

Dec 182017

What are the different types of oaths for which one is obligated to bring a sliding scale sin offering?  What is an ”isar” mentioned in the Torah.  Rava and Abaye have different explanations.  What is the negative commandment that one is violating in different cases of oaths (past and future) and vows?  What does the braita mean when it says that sheker and shav are the same thing?

Dec 172017

Study Guide Shevuot 19

Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Akiva’s opinions are analyzed regarding the fact that the sliding scale sacrifice is only brought for one who forgets one is impure and not one who forgets the mikdash or kodashim.  They each bring a different proof text -does that mean they disagree about something or not?  A case is brought of one who walked on two paths – one pure and one impure and went into the mikdash.  Two variations are brought and there is a debate about what the halacha is in each of the cases.

Dec 152017

Questions are asked regarding the requirements for becoming obligated in a sacrifice if one became impure in the temple.  What is the time one needs to be there?  If one takes the short path out, one will not be obligated -is this something that is measured in time or not?

Dec 142017

Do all the elements mentioned in the mishna that are needing for sanctifying additional space need to be there or is it sufficient for just one of them?  This has ramifications for the second temple period where not all these elements were accessible?  The debate regarding this is based on the whether or not the kedusha in the first temple remain forever or did it need resanctification in the time of Ezra.  From where do we derive that one who becomes impure in the mikdash will need to bring a sliding scale sacrifice if one doesn’t leave the temple immediately?  What are the measurements for how long one needs to be in there in order to be obligated in the sacrifice?  WOuld it be the same for one who did in intentionally and will be punished by lashes?