Feb 172016

What are laws regarding one who says to others to write a get for him but doesn’t say to deliver it.  In which circumstances do we think he meant to deliver it and in which do we not assume that?  What if he told a group of people?  Depending what wording he used and what he commanded them, they may have to all sign, and they may not be able to appoint others in place of them.

Feb 162016

There is halachic validity to various acts of children depending on their level of maturity.  There are various stages mapped out in the gemara for different acts.  A minor however cannot appoint a messenger.  If a man or woman appoints a messenger to deliver (man) or accept (woman) the get and specifies a location, if the messenger does it in a different location, is it valid?  Does it depend if it was the man or the woman’s messenger, does it depend on how the request was worded?  If a woman appointed a messenger to accept her get, from what point is she not allowed to eat truma in the event that she was married to a kohen?  What types of commands would be clear that a man intends to send messengers to write a deliver a get?  Which wording does not indicate such?

Feb 152016

Can a messenger sent by the husband to deliver to the woman also function as a messenger to accept the get for the woman?  If the husband gave a get to a middleman and the middleman claims he was given the get to accept on behalf of the wife and the husband claims he gave it to him to hold for him but not to accept it, who is believed?  Would the same laws regarding monetary issues and middlemen apply or is this case different?  Can the father or the daughter accept the get in the case of a betrothed na’ara (in between stage between child and adult)?

Feb 142016

A woman can only appoint a messenger to accept the get and a husband can only appoint a messenger to deliver the get.  If the messenger is accepting the get, then the get is effective immediately.  If the messnger is delivering the get then the get is effective once it reaches the woman.  The relevance: can the husband change his mind.  What happens when the husband uses wording of “accept” instead of “deliver”?  What happens if the messenger is sent by the wife to deliver the get to her but he tells the husband that he was appointed to accept the get?  In this case, no one properly appointed him to be a messenger so the get isn’t good even once the wife receives it.  If the term “heilach” – meaning “here it is” is used by the husband, does everyone agree that it means the get is effective immediately or is there a disagreement about it.  Can a man send a messenger to deliver and the woman send a messenger to receive it from the husband’s messenger?

Study Guide Gittin 63

Feb 122016

Who has first rights to the water from the irrigation channel?  Can you loan your kitchen equipment or help grind wheat of those who are suspect of storing shmita produce or amei haaretz (who are either suspected of not tithing their produce or of not keeping laws of purity)?

Study Guide Gittin 61

Feb 112016

If there is no Levi in shul, the Kohen who got the first aliya, also gets the next – why?  Are you allowed to read from a parchment that includes only one book of the Torah?  CAn you write sections of the Torah for children to learn?  Can you write down the Oral Torah?

Feb 102016

Cases are brought in which non-Jews seize land and yet the law of sikrikon doesn’t apply.  The sale of a deaf person who signals can be considered a good sale, and the sale of a child (who is mature enough to understand) is considered a good sale.  The laws of the order of aliyot during Torah reading were instituted in order that people don’t fight over who is more respected.  Other changes are brought in the mishna that were instituted because of darkei shalom and they will be discussed further in the gemara.

Feb 092016

More of the stories of the destruction – stories of people killing themselves in the name of God, the story of the children of Rabbi Yishmael that the kina is based on and others showing how bad things were during the destruction.  The gemara goes back to the mishna and discusses details of the law of Sikarikon – one who purchases land seized by a non Jew.